Families First St Andrews (FFSA) is based in St Andrews and delivers services to over 100 families living across Fife by supporting families with children aged 5-16 years who have additional, and increasingly complex, support needs. These children and young people face severe challenges around autism and learning difficulties, poor physical and mental health, social problems such as poverty and rural isolation, family problems such as fragile relationships, caring responsibilities, and substance misuse. In addition, FFSA is often the first point of contact for these families when they hit difficult times. FFSA directly helps these children to become responsible citizens and grow up into effective contributors, some children requiring additional social and emotional support from appropriately trained individuals in order to fulfil their true potential. FFSA has been working in this field for over 16 years and there is no other organisation in the Fife area to deliver these services. FFSA uses over 70 locally trained volunteers, including University students, who gain enormous experience and knowledge by working with these children and young people and helping them to gain the confidence they badly need in order to achieve in life. The early intervention children’s services are person-centred which focuses activities, sometimes including local outings (see photo), on the individual child’s own skills and abilities to help them thrive. In this way FFSA directly addresses the challenges that the children are facing to improve their confidence and self-esteem as they move towards young adulthood. The BWCF was delighted to award a second 2-year grant to FFSA to assist in their work.