Inaugurated in 1998, Hopscotch Children's Charity provides free breaks at their respite centre in Ardgour, West Highlands for some of Scotland's most disadvantaged children, age 7-11, often with their carers. The children are selected from various groups such as Women's Aid, HIV/AIDS support centres, and young carer groups in some of the most deprived areas of the country. Over 300 children attend each year.
Many have never been to the countryside or seaside before; most have no other chance of a break from their problems. A break usually includes trips to Ardtoe beach, cable car to Ben Nevis, forest walks, visiting a Farm Park, keeping a scrapbook, barbecues, adventure playground, scavenger hunts and drama shows. Carer’s feedback indicates that a Hopscotch break creates powerful childhood memories, improved social skills including eating, often their first experience of bonding with other children, and improved self-esteem and confidence, especially from simple experiences such as holding animals.
The children learn team work, tolerance, decision making and practical skills in a supportive and encouraging environment, helping them to address their own personal problems in coping with their everyday lives. Hopscotch receives no central or government funding, and the BWCF is very pleased to have supported them with general support funding and transportation funding in 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.