Fun in Action For Children

Fun In Action was set up in 1999 providing a one-to-one long term befriending service to children and young people from disadvantaged lone parent families in the city of Brighton and Hove in East Sussex. It works in close partnership with families providing support when and where it is most needed. A child who has special needs takes up a lot of the parent's time and they may have a number of children making it very difficult to meet each child's needs.

Nearly all of the children that Fun In Action support have a severe lack of confidence and desperately need the opportunities that other children take for granted to explore the world and its possibilities. Each child is matched with a thoroughly vetted and carefully chosen adult volunteer (the befriender) who spends 3-4 hours per week with the child (with a commitment of at least 2 years) with the aim of providing a reliable, caring relationship for the child.

The individual befriender days provide friendship at a vital stage in the child's life, and for some it remains with them for many years to come. The picture shows Lucy on an ice skating trip with her befriender who has been her befriender for almost three years. They met when Lucy was eight and it has seen her grow in confidence into a gregarious and outgoing 11-year-old, about to start secondary school.

Fun In Action also organise group activities for all family members and befrienders in a relaxed atmosphere to strengthen family bonds and provide opportunities for children, and their parents, to form other friendships.

The BWCF is pleased to have been able to support Fun In Action since 2008 with a series of 3 year grants to assist them in providing a valuable befriending service to needy children in East Sussex.

Click here to make a donation

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Sample collection of stories...
Footprints Conductive Education Centtre
African Adventures Foundation
Downright Special
Holly Lodge Centre
Village Foundations
Aidis Trust
Cued Speech Association
Disability Challengers
Asian Students Christian Trust
The Reedham Children's Trust
The Promise
The PACE Centre
Kenya Education Partnership
The Green Light Trust
National Blind Children's Society
Sunshine Early Stimulation Centre
New College Worcester
tastelife UK
Thomas Theyer Foundation
Sunny Days Children's Fund
Ruddi's Retreat
CHECT (Childhood Eye Cancer Trust)
Families First St Andrews
Theodora Children's Charity
Fun in Action For Children
Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Scotland
Autism Bedfordshire
Daisy Garland
Sebastian's Action Trust
Let Us Play
Spinal Muscular Atrophy Support UK
The Rainbow Trust
Hope House
AT Society
Ambitious About Autism
Dogs For The Disabled
The Spring Centre
Huntington's Disease Association
React - Rapid Effective Assistance for Children with Potentially Terminal illness
Derby Toc H
Over The Wall
The Wingate Centre
Inter Care
The Bubble Foundation
Project Harar
Me 2 Club
British Blind Sport
Hop, Skip & Jump
The Children's Adventure Farm Trust
Rochdale Special Needs Cycling Club
Panathlon Challenge
The Youth Adventure Trust
Adventure Unlimited
How to apply for a grant
Complete List of Grants

A selection of grant recipients is listed below. Click on the logo for a link to their website.

Rainbow Trust



Reedham Children's Trust

Ambitious About Autism

PACE Centre

Rainbow Centre

Richard House



Dame Vera Lynn Trust

Bobath Centre

Elizabeth Foundation

Shooting Star

Disability Challengers

Hope House


SMA Support UK



The Barbara Ward Children's Foundation

c/o Weightmans LLP, 100 Old Hall Street, Liverpool, L3 9QJ

Tel: 0345 073 9900


Registered Charity No: 1089783 Registered in England No: 4213963