React is a charity that provides essential equipment and assistance to terminally ill children cared for by financially disadvantaged families. React considers requests for anything regarded as a 'basic, essential need' by medical professionals working with the child. This can be specially adapted Medical or Mobility Equipment, Educational and Developmental Aids or Basic Homecare Items. React also offers families the opportunity to enjoy a week long respite break each year at one of nine mobile homes situated across seven different locations in the UK. These holidays provide low income families caring for a terminally ill child with much needed time as a family unit, away from the stresses and strains of daily routines which regularly revolve around hospital appointments for treatment. Families can spend relaxing quality time in a new environment and participate in family activities together. The picture shows one of the many children who enjoyed a React holiday in Trecco Bay in 2013. The Barbara Ward Children's Foundation has supported React’s holiday scheme since 2005 and recently approved a further grant for three years towards the running costs for two of the charity's mobile homes in South Wales.